Saturday, April 16, 2016

Improve Your Bank Fishing Odds

Most anglers begin fishing from the bank, and most continue to do so their entire lives.  I have personally fished from the bank my entire life and enjoy the challenge of trying to locate the fish without fancy electronics. Most days fishing from the bank requires a run and gun approach to locate your targeted species.  Here are a few tips to improve your bank fishing success.

  • Don't go stomping straight down to the place you want to fish.  Fish can feel vibrations and will more than likely swim away before you make your first cast.  We have all probably seen fish swim away from shore as we approached, this is due to them feeling the vibrations from us as we walk up to the edge of the water. So before you approach the water pick out the target you will be casting towards and walk slowly down to the water as far away from that point as you can and still be able to cast to your target spot.
  • Many people fishing with lures from the bank cast out as far as they can towards the middle of the lake.  Bank fisherman should cast parallel to the shore line to target fish hiding in cover along the bank. 
  • Spending too much time at your favorite location is a mistake I am guilty of.  If your favorite spot isn't producing it's time to move on, spending too long at a non producing place is a waste of your precious fishing time. Take the time to explore new fishing locations.
  • Many fisherman target only one species of fish when they are out.  Target different species at their peak times so when the bite slows for your target fish (bass, crappie etc.) other fishing can fill in the lag time. 
  • If you have tried all your lures and your nod catching anything, try using live bait. Sometimes nothing beats the real thing.
Using these tips can put the odds in your favor when fishing from the bank.

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